Zhejiang Fenghuangyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd

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Name of exhibits:Organic products

Minimum order quantity:5 boxes

Order delivery time:one week


Buyer type:Enterprise users

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Zhejiang Fenghuangyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established in 2009. Since the establishment of the enterprise, the research on Dendrobium Orchidaceae has been carried out for more than ten years. We will focus on the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture, lead the development mode of agriculture 6.0, and expand the industrial chain of Dendrobium nobile seedlings, ecological planting, product processing, scientific research and testing, sales and cultural tourism.

Dendrobium officinale soft gold powder 10g

Dendrobium officinale soft gold powder 10g

Dendrobium officinale soft gold powder 10g

Dendrobium officinale soft gold powder 10g.JPG

Dendrobium officinale soft gold powder 10g

Dendrobium officinale gift box

Dendrobium officinale gift box

Dendrobium officinale gift box (soft gold powder silver Pack + flower tea)

Dendrobium officinale gift box (soft gold powder silver Pack + flower tea).png

Dendrobium officinale gift box

Dendrobium officinale gift box

Dendrobium officinale gift box

Dendrobium officinale gift box 

(soft gold powder gold package + flower tea + maple leaf)

Dendrobium officinale gift box (soft gold powder gold package + flower tea + maple leaf).JPG

Dendrobium officinale gift box

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