Creation time2017-11-27
Product category
Positionsales manage
Name of exhibitsFlora/oil hydrolate
Minimum order quantity
Order delivery time
AuthenticationProduction License:ZF0502201000017
Exporting countries
Buyer typeChain Store/Angent
The company's farm is mainly planted with Taiwan
perfume waterlily. The company is mainly based on
the headquarters economic demonstration model and
exports model technology. It mainly harvests fresh
flowers and bakes scented tea,floral water(hydrolate) .
It is a series of health preserving and ecological
products refined from fresh flowers. It mainly
focuses on a series of pure natural ecological
products to promote tertiary production, operation
transformation and environmental beauty.
Lotus Tea (Canned Version)
Lotus Tea (Canned Version)
perfume waterlily hydrolate
perfume waterlily hydrolate
Function:Moisture replenishment;Package size:5.5cm X 5.5cm X 20.5cm;Color:silvery;Bottle material:aluminium;Package material:cardboard
perfume waterlily hydrolate