Creation time1993
Product category
Name of exhibitsBrass & Bronze gate valve, check valve, stop valve ball valve, hose bibb and pipe fittings etc.
Minimum order quantity1/2
Order delivery time45days
AuthenticationCSA ISO9001:2015
Exporting countries美国,东南亚,中东等
Buyer type
Ball Valve TM-666
Ball Valve TM-666
球阀 TM-666
Ball Valve TM-664
Ball Valve TM-664
球阀 TM-664
Ball Valve TM-663
Ball Valve TM-663
球阀 TM-663
Ball Valve TM-603
Ball Valve TM-603
球阀 TM-603
Stop Valve TM-452
Stop Valve TM-452
截止阀 TM-452
Stop Valve TM-427
Stop Valve TM-427
截止阀 TM-427
Stop Valve TM-420
Stop Valve TM-420
截止阀 TM-420
Stop Valve TM-418
Stop Valve TM-418
截止阀 TM-418
Stop Valve TM-417
Stop Valve TM-417
截止阀 TM-417
Stop Valve TM-405
Stop Valve TM-405
截止阀 TM-405
Stop Valve TM-403
Stop Valve TM-403
截止阀 TM-403
Stop Valve TM-402
Stop Valve TM-402
截止阀 TM-402
Y Strainer TM-369
Y Strainer TM-369
Y 型过滤器 TM-369
Y Strainer TM-368
Y Strainer TM-368
Y 型过滤器 TM-368
Check Valve TM-320
Check Valve TM-320
止回阀 TM-320
Check Valve TM-319
Check Valve TM-319
止回阀 TM-319
Check Valve TM-311
Check Valve TM-311
止回阀 TM-311
Check Valve TM-307
Check Valve TM-307
止回阀 TM-307
Check Valve TM-302
Check Valve TM-302
止回阀 TM-302
Check Valve TM-301
Check Valve TM-301
止回阀 TM-301
Gate Valve TM-180
Gate Valve TM-180
闸阀 TM-180
Gate Valve TM-132
Gate Valve TM-132
闸阀 TM-132
Gate Valve TM-131
Gate Valve TM-131
闸阀 TM-131
Gate Valve TM-119
Gate Valve TM-119
闸阀 TM-119
Gate Valve TM-110
Gate Valve TM-110
闸阀 TM-110
Gate Valve TM-109
Gate Valve TM-109
闸阀 TM-109
Gate Valve TM-106
Gate Valve TM-106
闸阀 TM-106
Gate Valve TM-105
Gate Valve TM-105
闸阀 TM-105
Brass Gate Valve
Brass Gate Valve