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Grain dryer
Grain dryer
Tianzhou Company has made every effort to build a grain dryer using heat pump as a heat source. After seven years of hard work, it has completed R&D all by ourselves. At present, we have developed the heat pumps that can support 10 tons, 12 tons, 15 tons, 20 tons, 25 tons, and 31 tons of heat capacity to fuel grain dryers. Our product can dry rice, wheat, barley, corn, millet, rapeseed, flax seeds, grain seeds and other food crops and various oil crops. The cost of drying is much lower than that of fuel oil, and it is only half the cost of burning coal. The operating efficiency is equivalent to that of a combustion dryer. The drying quality is better. Our dryer can also be equipped with other heat sources. Such as hot blast stove, steam, fuel oil, gas, etc.
Tianzhou Company is committed to the manufacturing and service of grain dryers, as well as agricultural refrigeration equipment and heating equipment.